Exhibition: Archäologisches Welterbe - Prähistorische Pfahlbauten in Baden-Württemberg
Landesgartenschau Überlingen (Villengärten, Bahnhofstraße 20, 88662 Überlingen)

In June 2011, the World Heritage Committee declared the "Prehistoric Pile Dwellings around the Alps" as UNSECO World Heritage Site. The World Heritage List includes 111 pile-dwelling sites from the six countries bordering the Alps - Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Italy and Slovenia - 15 of these sites are located in Baden-Württemberg. The exhibition shows the development of different forms of settlement from the Stone Age around 5000 BC to the Iron Age around 500 BC, i.e. more than 4000 years of pile-dwelling history.
More information is available under this link