New Publication: La Préhistoire du Jura et l’Europe néolithique en 100 mots-clés

After more than fifty years of archaeological research, forty of them on Chalain and Clairvaux – two sites of the UNESCO World Heritage “Prehistoric Pile Dwellings around the Alps” – Pierre Pétrequin und Anne-Marie Pétrequin offer a new perspective on the rise of the first agricultural communities in the Jura Mountains and the Saône Valley, between 5300 BC und 2100 BC. Based on the artifacts and the tools that were recovered, the two Neolithic specialists investigate various interpretations of their possible social and spiritual contexts, and of the lifeways of Neolithic populations. The discussion extends over three volumes with rich images, a glossary of a hundred keywords, and a presentation of some exceptional pile dwelling sites.
Pierre Pétrequin and Anne-Marie Pétrequin, La Préhistoire du Jura et l’Europe néolithique en 100 mots-clés. Besançon, Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté / Gray, Centre de recherche archéologique de la vallée de l’Ain, 2021, 3 tomes : 1942 p. (PUFC, n°
1500 ; collection « Les cahiers de la MSHE Ledoux », n° 44).
Prices for three Volumes : 133,00 € + Shipping
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