
Archaeological area of Fiavé - Zone 2. Remains of the pile-dwelling settlement dated to 1800-1500 BC © Archivio fotografico della Soprintendenza per I beni culturali - Ufficio beni archeologici - della Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Giorgia Schoensberg

  Fiave (TN)  |     Fiave-Lago

Short Description
The site was used by people during the Mesolithic Era (7000-6000 BC) and again in the Late Neolithic (3800- 3600 BC). The most significant aspects of the settlement arethe houses dating to the Bronze Age. The dwellings, built just above the waterline, stood on decks that were supported by conifer piles (1800-1500 BC) and later either on the ground, or above the water (1500-1350 BC). The archaeobotanical and archaeozoological analyses have allowed us to reconstruct many aspects of the daily life at the time. Some of there covered artefacts are exhibited in the local museum. The general area of the site can be visited. The Archaeo Park will be inaugurated on 26th June 2021.

Mesolithic / Neolithic / Bronze Age

7000-6000 BC, 3800- 3600 BC, 1800-1200 BC

Carera di Fiavé (marshland site)

646 m.a.s.l.

Size of the site 10,69 ha / approx. 15 soccer pitches

Size of the bufferzone 73,91 ha / approx. 104 soccer pitches

Special Features & Highlights
Excavations carried out in the last century (1969-76) have unearthed fundamental evidence of different ways of building houses in wetlands, particularly during the Bronze Age. Exceptional degree of preservation of the wooden pile structures.

The pile dwelling park of Fiavé under construction (opening: June 2021) © Archivio fotografico della Soprintendenza per I beni culturali - Ufficio beni archeologici - della Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Luisa Moser

Current Activities
In recent years, all available resources have been allocated to the construction of the Museum (since 2012) and the pile dwellings Archaeo Park that will open in June 2021. Since 1999, activities for the local population, as well as for tourists, were organized in the Museum and in the area of the site, such as activities inspired by experimental archaeology, guided tours with Italian and English narration, themed evenings in the museum with expert guests, and book presentations on topics like agriculture, livestock and food, textiles and colours, the resources of the forest, the peat,the gold in the museum, cultural heritage education, and the work of the archaeologist.

For our younger guests, didactic workshops were organized, handouts with informative material dedicated to children, and themed visits and illustrative materials for self-managed paths. For larger groups and school classes, thirteen educational courses and workshops for all levels were created, along with the brochure "At school with archaeology".
The following projects have recently been promoted and implemented:
The museum accessibility project: “T-essere memoria. The museum meets Alzheimer's", with a visit to the Museum and laboratory activities, dedicated to the creation of ceramic vessels, the processing of cereals, milk, fruits, andweaving.
And the project “What a time those times! The unveiled heritage: the pile dwellings of Fiavé - from the peat bog to the Archaeo Park ". This is a path of "shared memory", on the occasion of the opening of the archaeological park. The project is based on the collection of photographic images taken during the excavations, in the 1970s, in which many citizens of Fiavé participated as volunteers.

Pile Dwellings up close

Museo delle palafitte di Fiavé

Via 3 Novembre, 53 Fiavé (TN)
+39 0461 492161 (Ufficio beni archeologici - TN)
to the website

1.07 - 10.09: Tue. - Sun 10-13 / 14-18.
11.09 - 31.10 and 1.03-19.06: Sat-Sun. and holidays 14-18.
Admission 3.50 euros, reduced 2.50 euros, free up to 14 years.
Archaeological area:
free admission all year round