Le nostre pubblicazioni
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"PalafittesNEWS" - il nostro rapporto annuale come download
"Prehistoric Pile Dwellings around the Alps" - Il nostro nuovo libretto, disponibile in 5 lingue

GSK- guida alle palafitte
"Le palafitte in Svizzera"
Nel 2011 il bene seriale «Siti palafitticoli preistorici dell’arco alpino » è stato iscritto sulla lista del patrimonio mondiale UNESCO. I villaggi palafitticoli rappresentano delle testimonianze preziose sulla vita quotidiana nelle epoche preistoriche, del Neolitico e dell’età del Bronzo. Dei 111 siti riconosciuti, distribuiti in sei paesi dell’arco alpino, 56 sono ubicati su suolo elvetico.
Questa guida illustra la scoperta e le ricerche condotte sulle palafitte, dalla fine del XIX secolo fino a oggi. I siti svizzeri e i rispettivi reperti sono presentati attraverso venti itinerari e svariati musei, suddivisi in tre regioni dell’Altopiano. Collezioni e parchi archeologici, sentieri didattici e ricostruzioni di villaggi preistorici, permettono al visitatore di scoprire la ricchezza della vita e dell’artigianato delle popolazioni vissute attorno ai laghi.
Costi: 20 CHF / 10 CHF per gli studenti (più spese di spedizione)
Brochure informativa
"Pfahlbauten - Palafittes - Palafitte..."
The 104-page publication shows the many facets of the pile-dwelling phenomenon on more than 340 colored pictures. They are accompanied by a short but explicit text based on the work of two specialists of the pile-dwellings, Dr. Peter Suter (Archaeological Service of Canton Bern) and Dr. Helmut Schlichterle (Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Baden-Württemberg).
This booklet explains the everyday life of the population living between 5000 and 500 BC (agriculture and animal husbandry, techniques and commerce, clothing and ornaments). The most fascinating finds from Switzerland, Austria, France, Germany, Italy and Italy are richly illustrated. But you can also discover the methods used to preserve the endangered sites for the future generations and the efforts done to bring these sites nearer to a wider audience.
The information brochure is published in two editions, each in three languages
- German / French / Italian (DE / FR / IT)
- English / French / Slovenian (EN / FR / SI)
Costs: 15 CHF / 13,70 € (plus postage)
Piano di gestione 2019-2023 (in inglese)
Piano di gestione 2.0 (in inglese)
Version 2.0
Informazioni aggiuntive (in inglese)
By letter of 14th December 2010, ICOMOS asked for clarification of several issues (Additional Information), above all a clarification on the contribution of each single component site to the overall Outstanding Universal Value of the Pile Dwellings. This Additional Information was submitted in Paris together with a revised Management Plan Version 2.0 as well as with a reduced list of 111 component sites at end of February 2011. This additional Information replaces certain chapters of the nomination file.
Nomination Dossier
The nomination file is the main part of the candidature. It was written following the recommendations of the UNESCO and submitted in January 2010. As a consequence of (result of) the required detailed specifications particularly concerning the number of registered sites, some oft he chapters of the nomination file are no longer up to date (see 'Additional Information'). The file was published in a very limited edition but is available for the public in the form of a CD
"Pile Dwellings"
This CD contains the entire application dossier as well as the information brochure ‘Pile dwellings’ in digital form.